
Cara Melihat Password Wifi Modem Huawei Hg532e

Cara Melihat Password Wifi Modem Huawei Hg532e 4,0/5 8457 reviews
  1. Huawei Wifi Router Password Reset
  2. Cara Melihat Password Wifi Modem Huawei Hg532e De Claro

Huawei Wifi Router Password Reset

Hard reset instructionsfor Huawei HG532e

Cara Merubah Password Wireless Speedy Modem Huawei HG532e Pada pertama kali pemasangan jaringan internet speedy, pihak Telkom akan menyertakan Modem Wi-Fi untuk pemakaian di tempat Anda, adakalan. Cara Setting IP Address dan DNS Server pada Windows 7. Oke sobat, demikian artikel tentang cara setting modem huawei HG532e untuk speedy, semoga bisa membantu. Kalau misalnya sobat punya pertanyaan, saran atau tips lain tentang setting modem. Silahkan share ke sobat GPS yang lain dengan diskusi di kolom komentar.

If your HG532e router is not working as it should, dropping connections or notbeingresponsive, you should first do a reset of the router to see if the problems persist. Otherscenarios where you might want to reset your router is if you've forgotten the password ormisconfigured it and can't get access anymore.
Your can reset your Huawei HG532e in the following way(s):

Cara Melihat Password Wifi Modem Huawei Hg532e De Claro

The 30-30-30 reset

There are no specific instructions for this model yet, but you can always do the 30-30-30resetas follows:
  1. When router is powered on, press the reset button and hold for 30 seconds. (Use a paperclipor something sharp)
  2. While holding the reset button pressed, unplug the power of the router and hold theresetbutton for 30 seconds
  3. While still holding the reset button down, turn on the power to the unit again and holdforanother 30 seconds.

This process usually works for resetting any router to it's factory setting.
Note: It is worth reading more abouthow to reset routers with the 30 30 30 reset and what the risks andconsiderationsare when resetting your router this way, instead of just rebooting it.