1 Hydrogen 1
2 Helium 0
3 Lithium 1
4 Beryllium 2
5 Boron 3
6 Carbon 2, 4
7 Nitrogen 3, 5
8 Oxygen 2
9 Fluorine 1
10 Neon 0
11 Sodium 1
12 Magnesium 2
13 Aluminium 3
14 Silicon 4
15 Phosphorus 3, 5
16 Sulfur 2, 4, 6
17 Chlorine 1, 3, 5, 7
18 Argon 0
19 Potassium 1
20 Calcium 3, 5
21 Scandium 3
22 Titanium 3, 4
23 Vanadium 2, 3, 4, 5
24 Chromium 2, 3, 6
25 Manganese 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
26 Iron 2, 3
27 Cobalt 2, 3
28 Nickel 2, 3
29 Copper 1, 2
30 Zinc 2
31 Gallium 2, 3
32 Germanium 4
33 Arsenic 3, 5
34 Selenium 2, 4, 6
35 Bromine 1, 3, 5, 7
36 Krypton 0
37 Rubidium 1
38 Strontium 2
39 Yttrium 3
40 Zirconium 4
41 Niobium 3, 5
42 Molybdenum 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
43 Technetium 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
44 Ruthenium 3, 4, 6, 8
45 Rhodium 3, 4
46 Palladium 2, 4
47 Silver 1
48 Cadmium 2
49 Indium 1, 3
50 Tin 2, 4
51 Antimony 3, 5
52 Tellurium 2, 4, 6
53 Iodine 1, 3, 5, 7
54 Xenon 0
55 Caesium 1
56 Barium 2
57 Lanthanum 3
58 Cerium 3, 4
59 Praseodymium 3
60 Neodymium 3
61 Promethium 3
62 Samarium 2, 3
63 Europium 2, 3
64 Gadolinium 3
65 Terbium 3
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66 Dysprosium 3
67 Holmium 3
68 Erbium 3
69 Thulium 2, 3
70 Ytterbium 2, 3
71 Lutetium 3
72 Hafnium 4
73 Tantalum 3, 5
74 Tungsten 2, 4, 5, 6
75 Rhenium 1, 4, 7
76 Osmium 2, 3, 4, 6, 8
77 Iridium 3, 4
78 Platinum 2, 4
79 Gold 1, 3
80 Mercury 1, 2
81 Thallium 1, 3
82 Lead 2, 4
83 Bismuth 3, 5
84 Polonium 2, 3, 4
85 Astatine 1, 3, 5, 7
86 Radon 0
87 Francium 1
88 Radium 2
89 Actinium 3
90 Thorium 4
91 Protactinium 4, 5
92 Uranium 3, 4, 5, 6
93 Neptunium 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
94 Plutonium 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
95 Americium 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
96 Curium 2, 3, 4
97 Berkelium 2, 3, 4
98 Californium 2, 3, 4
99 Einsteinium 2, 3
100 Fermium 2, 3
101 Mendelevium 2, 3
102 Nobelium 2, 3
103 Lawrencium 3
A list of chemical elements and symbols is at this link.
Chemical elements have not a formula, but a chemical symbol. For the list see the link below.
the symbol Fe is derived from iron's latin name 'Ferrum' like other elements with symbols far from the element name like potassium's symbol is K meaning 'Kalium' or tin's symbol is Sn for 'Stannum'. we studied that, i actually have a list of all elements with those kind of symbols. if you want the complete list, email me: -cloi
In the attached list manmade elements are: technetium, promethium and the elements with atomic number between 94 and 118.
Their name, chemical symbol, atomic number, and their mass.
It's easier to navigate the periodic table and write chemical equations and formulae once you know the symbols for the elements. However, sometimes it's easy to confuse symbols of elements with similar names. Other elements have symbols that don't seem to relate to their names at all! For these elements, the symbol usually refers to an older element name that isn't used any more. Here's an alphabetical list of element symbols with the corresponding element… Read More
Each chemical element has a specific chemical symbol; see the link below for the list of chemical elements with symbols.
Chemicals symbols of elements are writed after the rules of IUPAC; see a list at the link below.
Alien elements exist only in movies and books for chlidren under 10 years.
The list is too long for WikiAnswers; see the table at the link below.
list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names of Allah swt and expalin them list 4 names… Read More
Look at a periodic table (a list of elements) - there you have it. ALL elements have radioactive isotopes.
The shorthand (or symbol) to each element was proposed by different people and is not possible to list out all the names.
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SrCl2 is the molecular formula of the compound, strontium chloride. The periodic table will list elements and not compounds. However the elements Strontium (symbol Sr, group 2, period 5) and Chlorine (symbol Cl, group 17, period 3) are found on the periodic table
Granite is a rock made primarily of silicon dioxide, not an element. Therefore, it does not appear on the list of elements called the periodic table.
Ancient Greek- e.g. chlorine, helium, hydrogen, lithium Latin - e.g. Fluorine see wikipedia article 'List of chemical element name etymologies' for a full list of the derivations of the names.
The number(s) above the element symbol means the isotopes, basically the different versions of the elements, that are stable. They do not list the isotopes that are not stable.
Some cars only have a symbol for the manufacturer. What name does the symbol stand for? Is there a list of symbols?
Where the elements of the list can be different types.
There are 118 elements known to mankind. For a detailed list of elements and their properties (selected properties) see the link on periodic table below.
list some scientific names of fruits and vegetables
These elements are called transuranic elements; see the link below for the list of elements.
The periodic table of the elements lists all of the known elements.
Transition elements are the elements that have partially filled d or f subshells in common oxidation states. Here is a list of transition elements by symbol: Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, La, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Ac, Unq, Unp, and Unh.
All atoms of chemical elements contain protons, neutrons (excepting the isotope H-1)and electrons. The natural isotopes of bromine are 79Br and 81Br. For the list of all isotopes see the link below.
Linear list for example is array, linked list, stack, .. It is called linear because all elements in those data structures are in linear sequence. We have first and the last elements in the list. If there is N elements in list, we know that all elements are in such sequence na, na+1. Non-linear structures would be trees and graphs.
A list of geographical place names is known as a gazetteer. It contains the names of cities, rivers, and mountain ranges.
One can find a list of Canadian domain names at the 'Go-daddy' website. They provide a list of all the names of all the domains in the country Canada.
activity series is the list of elements arranged in descending order of chemical activity.
the symbol were proposed by different persons and it is not generally possible to list out all
what are you asking, 'how do you say 'list of Japanese names' in Japanese'? if so Nippon-mei no risuto
Mendeleev arranged the elements in the increasing order of atomic masses.
Such a list is known as either the 'legend' or the 'key' of the map.
A collective noun for a group of names is a list of names.
No. Many of the Romper Room teachers used names of children they knew or were related to...or whatever names poped into their heads. There was no 'List' as such.
The National Weather board has a list of names each year for storms including cyclones. The storms are named from that list. The names are randomly selected.