Dramatical Murder Koujaku Route 4,6/5 3207 reviews
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- Dramatical Murder Mink Route
DRAMAtical Murder Re:Route (FemAoba) Chapter 14. Koujaku, who knows the smell of Granny’s doughnuts well, immediately reaches out to the basket. The man in green and the gas mask guy keep staring at the doughnuts as if they’re completely alien objects. Watch dramatical murder videos right here on dailymotion. BL DRAMAtical Murder Re:connect-Koujaku GEPart 4 ENG 09:33. DRAMAtical murder Common Route Noiz/Clear clash Part 2. DRAMAtical murder Common Route Noiz/Clear clash Part 4.
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Dramatical Murder Mink Route
Clockwise from top left:Clear, Noiz, Mink, Ren, Aoba, and Koujaku
nitro+CHiRAL's BLVisual Novel, DRAMAtical Murder, also known amongst fans as DMMD, features crisp, clean and fluid art style, Electronic Music soundtrack, various character expressions and elaborate CGs, a dark sci-fi story rendered bright and colorful, and of course, tons and tons of Boys' Love, with four main routes and one unlockable one. A first press edition was released on March 23rd, 2012, and a regular edition came out on the 27th of the following May. A sequel, DRAMAtical Murder re:connect was released on April 26th 2013. DRAMAtical Murder re:code, a PlayStation Vita remake of the original game tailored for a younger audience, was released on October 30th, 2014.
Some time ago, Midorijima, an island southwest of Japan, was purchased by the highly influential Toue Company. Their plan was to build a high-tech luxury amusement facility called Platinum Jail, for the exclusive perusal for all those rich enough around the world to afford it. Of course, the original inhabitants of the island got screwed in the process. What coexistence there once was between Midorijima's people and the lush natural environment prevalent throughout was abruptly cut off. All those who didn't leave the island at Toue Company's suggestion were eventually forced to move to a corner of the island called the Old Resident District. All those who have stayed cannot leave, unless they receive Toue's permission. The Toue Company won't give that permission anytime soon, as punishment from the head of the company who was highly annoyed at the more stubborn locals. Soon after development on Platinum Jail completed, Toue abandoned the former residents of the island outright.
Twenty years in the future, in Midorijima, an island southwest of Japan, a guy named Aoba lives with his tough-as-nails doctor granny, Tae, and his dog-type AllMatenote , Ren. Aoba's always found it odd how dropping his voice to a certain inflection could drive people to call up Heibon, the shop he's working at, to hear it again and again, buying Heibon's mechanical goods every time. But hey, it does its job, so why not make use of it? Sadly, said power can't really help him with that trio of rambunctious children that always show up at the store just to make a mess. He also has to contend with his unusual friends that are involved in gang activity that he's long since left behind. His life is an amicable one, although as with all who've been left to carry their lives out in the Old Resident District in the years of Toue's acquisition of Midorijima, it is by no means prosperous. In those ensuing years, a game called 'Ribsteez' (also known as 'Rib') rose in popularity, in which gangs of young men would go out of their way to engage in turf wars against one another. More recently, another competitor have been taking over people's interests; a game called 'Rhyme,' whose participants and their watchers scatter throughout the city to engage in fights that unfold on a virtual reality but are seen right before their eyes. Anyone can play 'Rhyme' if they have an AllMate and the fights are mediated and started by Usui, a judge with a female appearance and a male voice who randomly appears to signal the start of a match. Recently, a trend of 'drive-by' matches have started, where people can force others into a 'Rhyme' match with no mediation by Usui and most dangerously, any injuries taken during the game can impact the player's health in real life.
Aoba just wants to keep the peaceful life he shares with Tae and Ren, but the accidental download of a mysterious 8-bit game called 'Silent Oath' and getting caught in a drive-by 'Rhyme' game leads to any real chance of normalcy in his life going out the window..
An English patch for the full game can be found online. In Anime Expo 2018, JAST USA announced an official English localization.
An anime was announced as part of the summer 2014 anime lineup, the PV can be watched here.
DRAMAtical Murder provides examples of the following tropes:
- Abhorrent Admirer: Yoshie, the woman working at the delivery office, really likes Aoba. Her AllMate, Clara, seems to have the hots for Ren. Aoba and Ren, on the other hand, try to escape ASAP.
- Adorkable: Clear. He needs to be explicitly told that an umbrella can be used when it is raining, insists on calling Aoba his 'Master', and does not comprehend doors. He gets into Aoba's room by cutting the lock off of the veranda door!
- Affably Evil: Trip and Virus, once they reveal themselves as the leaders of Morphine.
- Mind Screw: It is a Nitro+CHiRAL game after all. Ren's route gets the lion's share though.
- Mob War: While some groups, like Mizuki's, are like a brotherhood and even take care of the people and shops in the area in the district that they make their own, those who do Rib are notorious for their turf wars.
- Moral Myopia: Noiz.
- Multiple Endings: It's a visual novel; of course there's more than one possible ending.
- Mythology Gag: In the anime, a sign in Junk Shop Heibon reads 'It's a daisuki shonen,' essentially spelling out the series' Boys' Love roots.
- Naked Apron: Clear. With his gas mask still on.
- Neighbourhood-Friendly Gangsters: Koujaku's gang and Mizuki's group take care of the areas under their control. They treat the residents kindly and are quite popular.
- Never Trust a Title: The 'Murder' half of the title doesn't really make sense, since there are no murders performed. Though Fridge Brilliance kicks in when you realize that the 'Murder' part actually refers to Toue's brainwashing plans. Being brainwashed to the point of being brain-dead is the mental equivalent of a murder.
- Only One Name: Everyone, except Aoba.
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: Aoba and Granny.
- Pixellation: Most CGs of the sex scenes have this. Justified since this is a normal rule in most Eroge.
- Police are Useless: Since they are basically lazy and corrupt. Aoba even pointed this trope out.
- Power Strain Black Out: Aoba experiences this frequently; the first time occurs when he's pulled into Rhyme.
- Rapunzel Hair: The true forms of Aoba and Sei are examples of this, with an overwhelming length that extends past their feet.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Mink and his pink bandana, Noiz and his cute cube AllMate and bunny-related everything, Koujaku and his flower theme.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Koujaku (Red) and Noiz (Blue), also the AllMates Beni (Red) and Tori (Blue).
- Ridiculously Human Robot: Clear is entirely indistinguishable from a human (being able to eat, have sex with humans, and contemplate the nature of human death) until he encounters the Alphas (to whom this trope also applies) and his body begins to break down. Even as he's dying, Aoba tells him he's the most human person he's ever known.
- Rubber Face: Clear pulls on Aoba's cheeks when trying to figure out what's 'different' about him than when he first saw him.
- Sanity Slippage:
- Koujaku, when he met Ryuuhou in his route.
- Ren, in his bad ending.
- Separated at Birth: Aoba and Sei, since Aoba had the misfortune — or fortune — of being stillborn for a while before eventually coming to life.
- Scenery Porn: Not only there's actual porn in this game, but the backgrounds and locations are gorgeously drawn.
- Scratch Damage: Typically, in Rhyme, even attacks which have been defended against still inflict some damage.
- Secret Character Route: Not so much of a secret at this point, but Ren's route can be unlocked after completing all the others'. It doubles as Sei's route as well, who is far more spoilery.
- Self Cest: Aoba with Ren. Later evolves into Twin Cest once Ren transfers his consciousness into Sei's body.
- Sharp-Dressed Man:
- Virus wears a dark-blue suit and tie, while Trip sports a nice Waistcoat of Style.
- Noiz, at the end of his route and throughout RE:Connect.
- Ship Tease: Noiz in particular, who kisses Aoba and says he doesn't get why it's so weird; Koujaku who acts like he's gay for Aoba (because he is) although they pass it off as bromance at first; Clear whose insistence that Aoba is his master and that he belongs to him is the reason Noiz and Koujaku start to get really pissed off, etc. It's everywhere until Aoba starts thinking about a particular man.
- Shonen Hair: Trip and Virus.
- Shout-Out: '2106 CR-L' is written in the Oval Tower's back entrance. 2106 can be read as 'Nitro' (ni-to-ro), while CR-L is (obviously) 'Chiral'
- Spell My Name with an 'S':
- Is it Noise, Noiz, Noize? Rhyme or Lime? Rib or Lib? Or something else altogether?
- For Trip's AllMate, is it Bertha or Welter?
- The same can be said for Mink's AllMate after he finally gives him a name: Rurakan/Lulakan, Huracan, or Rulacane?
- Stealth Hi/Bye: Clear falls out of the sky. Aoba's reaction is priceless. He does this a lot, actually, since he doesn't seem to register the concept of a 'door.'
- The Stoic:
- Ren, though adorably so.
- Noiz also qualifies.
- Straight Gay: Every one of Aoba's potential love interests, even with Mink's pink bandana and Koujaku's flowery kimono, which in Japan is something of a gangsterish thing to wear, for men.
- Superpowered Evil Side: Aoba has one. So does Koujaku.
- Super Senses: Clear's hearing is.. strange. It's one of the first significant indications that Clear might not be entirely human, and is more than what he seems.
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Between Koujaku, Noiz, Mink and Clear when they're forced to work together to find Granny. Koujaku doesn't trust Noiz or Mink at all, Noiz isn't exactly a team player at the best of times, Mink isn't very cooperative either and Clear is Clear. Aoba is the lone voice of reason.
- Theme Tune Cameo: Aoba's coil ringtone is the opening theme of the game.
- In addition, Aoba is also a huge fan of the opening song's artist. One of the drama CDs even stated that Aoba bought every CD they released. Mizuki is also a fan of them.
- Title Drop: The title is completely nonsensical before and after it is revealed that it is based on a line◊ said by Toue in the visual novel.
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia: For Aoba.
- Tsundere:
- Sure, Noiz doesn't really care for the rest of them, okay, but Aoba asked him really nicely to help him, so he did (..reveal himself to be totally eavesdropping on them).. Tch, whatever..
- Aoba is also definitely this in Koujaku's route.
- Unusual Euphemism: The fan translation, at least, gives a few.. interesting examples to describe the male genitalia, such as 'love meat', 'love rocket', 'stick and bags', and so on.
- Vague Age: With the exception of Aoba (and Sei, by extension) and Noiz, no one's ages are confirmed. Judging by appearance, Mink would be in his mid or late thirties, and Mizuki would be between Aoba and Koujaku's age. Koujaku is estimated to be at least three years older than Aoba but no exact age is given; as an android, Clear's real age isn't specified; and the closest hint you get to Virus and Trip's ages is that they're six years apart.
- Vocal Dissonance:
- The proctor of the Rhyme Games, Usui, whose body is a pretty woman's but voice is a deep-sounding dude's. Which makes sense, given that Sei is controlling her.
- Also, Ren. For a cute, little dog AllMate, he has a really deep voice.
- What Is This Thing You Call 'Love'?: It's up to Aoba to teach Noiz the Power of Love in Noiz's route. Noiz reveals that his parents found him troublesome and basically abandoned him. He was given necessities, but was completely ignored. Others distance themselves from him or use him for his wealth or body.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Clear.
- White Hair, Black Heart:
- Averted with Clear, although he was supposed to be this. He does become this trope in his bad ending after being forcibly reprogrammed.
- The Alphas, who are Clear's 'brothers', are this to a T.
- Aoba becomes this in Koujaku's bad ending when his Super-Powered Evil Side completely takes over his weakened will.
- Yakuza: Aside from the numerous gangs populating Midorijima, there are also mentions of yakuza. Koujaku recognizes Trip and Virus as members of the yakuza. Not only that, Koujaku himself was born into a yakuza family.
- Yandere: The bad endings typically involve Aoba or his love interest becoming this and resorting to extreme and graphic measures to keep the other with them forever. Special mention goes to Clear, who cuts off Aoba's limbs to take away his free will, and Mink, who kills him to be able to keep his severed head as a keepsake.
- Your Mind Makes It Real: Prevalent in Rhyme Drive-Bys and in Aoba's excursions into other characters' Mental Worlds.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair:
- Aoba and Koujaku.
- Also Ren in his RE:Connect route.
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Alternative TitlesJapanese: ドラマティカル マーダー OVA「Data_xx_Transitory」 InformationEpisodes: 1 Aired: Dec 24, 2014 Producers:Nitroplus, DIVE II Entertainment, Avex Pictures Studios:NAZ Genres:Sci-Fi, Psychological, Drama, Shounen Ai Rating: R - 17+ (violence & profanity) StatisticsRanked: #7206 22 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded. Members: 20,028 | Ranked #7206Popularity #3014Members 20,028 Add to List * Your list is public by default.SynopsisData xx Transitory is the thirteenth and bonus episode of the DRAMAtical Murder animation. It features all of the bad endings from the original game. (Source: DRAMAtical Murder Wiki)BackgroundNo background information has been added to this title. Help improve our database by adding background information here.
Related AnimeParent story: | DRAMAtical Murder |
Characters & Voice ActorsSeragaki, Aoba Main | Kisaichi, Atsushi Japanese |
Clear Supporting | Nakazawa, Masatomo Japanese |
Koujaku | Takahashi, Hiroki Japanese |
Mink | Matsuda, Kenichirou Japanese |
Trip | Higuchi, Tomoyuki Japanese |
StaffNitroplus Original Creator |
Ayres, Christopher ADR Director |
Edit Opening Theme No opening themes have been added to this title. Help improve our database by adding an opening theme here. Edit Ending Theme No ending themes have been added to this title. Help improve our database by adding an ending theme here.
More reviewsReviews 1 of 1 episodes seen Saccharine_(All reviews)
49 people found this review helpful |
Overall | 4 | Story | 5 | Animation | 4 | Sound | 3 | Character | 4 | Enjoyment | 6 |
I believed the idea for the DRAMAtical Murder anime was not really to give an accurate adaptation to the source material, but rather to try and milk a successful game series by putting a SFW-not-really-gay version of it on TV. With that said, I'm really confused as to why this OVA exists the way it does. The story of the OVA adapts all of the bad ends from the first game (mixed with some elements of the second game). The TV anime took every route from the games and mashed them together in a rushed, impersonal, poorly pieced together story, and the same can pretty much be said for this OVA, but this time they actually kept in the horror and gay porn? Like, if you're going to cut out a lot of what the fans of the game like for the anime, fine. I can understand wanting to try and attract a new audience. But then after doing that they make this OVA, which is obviously something made for fans of the games. I usually see OVAs as being something like 'You liked the anime, so if you want even more here's a little bonus for you!' but this OVA brings back exactly what they cut out of the anime when they tried to draw in a new audience, so do they think that the new audience really wants this? Was it really made just to try and milk the fans of the games?? I really don't understand. It may sound like I have nothing good to say about this OVA, but I actually thought it was interesting, the way they pulled off showing all of the bad ends together in a way that made sense in terms of what they did with the anime. But while it was interesting, it wasn't exactly well done. The animation was poor. There was limited movement in general, and whenever a character did move a lot, it looked a awkward and unnatural. The art itself was fine for the most part, but when it came to actual animation, it was a bit hard to watch. This was all made worse by the fact there were sex scenes happening. Everything looked jerky and weird, it wasn't good. There were also a lot of times when the mouth movements didn't match up well with words and sounds, again, made worse and more obvious by the fact there were sex scenes. After ragging on it that bad, it's worth saying that I did actually enjoy it, but I am entirely biased as I was a big fan of how the bad ends were done in the game. Even if this OVA was objectively a mess, there are still bits that take after the game pretty well and it made me happy to see them. Should you watch this? If you really enjoyed the bad ends from the games and REALLY want to see your favs animated (cough Shiroba cough) then sure, but don't go into it expecting it to be as great as you remember. If you liked the TV anime and like yaoi, then sure, but again, don't expect it to be anything great. If you just generally like horror and yaoi mixed together, sure, that's pretty much all this is. If any of those don't apply to you, then don't waste your time, you more than likely won't enjoy this at all. 1 of 1 episodes seen hydrascarlet(All reviews)
36 people found this review helpful |
Overall | 9 | Story | 9 | Animation | 9 | Sound | 9 | Character | 9 | Enjoyment | 8 |
THIS OVA INCLUDES GAY SEX, RAPE, NUDITY AND BLOOD - if want to avoid those, don't watch it. The anime doesn't have these, so you can just watch the anime without watching the OVA. This OVA shows what would happen to Aoba if things had gone wrong on episode 11 of the anime. It has good quality animation because it came on DVD and there isn't much of a plot to insert here. The voice acting is really good on it and it's a great adaptation of the bad ends. Excluding how short each part was (but I understand why it is like that), I have no complaints. So, nothing I wrote on the first sentence bothers you - go watch it. 1 of 1 episodes seen Kokorokara(All reviews)
35 people found this review helpful |
Overall | 7 | Story | 3 | Animation | 9 | Sound | 3 | Character | 3 | Enjoyment | 10 |
I haven't seen the anime this OVA is coming after, but if you have played the game and you want to see animations of the bad endings, this is the place to come to. If you like horror and yaoi mixed together, come here. If you watched the anime hoping for it to be BL like the game, but you were sorely disappointed and wondering where all the L went, it's here, so come here. If you like yaoi come here, unless you hate blood (then don't come). If you want a riveting plot, no, leave, quickly. 1 of 1 episodes seen evoon(All reviews)
3 people found this review helpful |
Overall | 4 | Story | 1 | Animation | 8 | Sound | 10 | Character | 10 | Enjoyment | 5 |
I was very dissapointed with this, It wasn't too bad considering the game. However I was unpleased to find it was only the bad endings and that it did not include all of them. I feel as if instead of a short episode with ONLY the bad endings they should have animated a second season with both the good and the bad endings. Instead of this video. If you do want the full experience I would get the game or watch it on youtube. I would watch the full anime 1st season first however so you understand what is going on through most of the game. The game is much more in deapth and fun to play. A little warning though before you play; if you do not wish to see some content invoving sex, rape, blood, and people being very gay, do not play. I would Highly suggest the first season, because it does not involve any adult content for those who would not wish to see that.
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