
Men Like Gods Pdf

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Click Download or Read Now button to sign up and download/read Men Like Gods books. Fast Download Speed 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Commercial & Ad Free New Books Added. The Classic book Men Like Gods by H. A journalist, Mr. Barnstaple tires of his job and sets to take a holiday. But his travels soon go astray when his car collides with 2 others and are then transported into a parallel universe; a type of utopia.

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Preview — Men Like Gods by H.G. Wells

1923. English novelist, journalist, sociologist, and historian, famous for his works of science fiction, Wells's best-known books are The Time Machine, The Invisible Man and The War Of The Worlds. Wells's utopian tale of a land of men and women where they are bright and happy, healthy and long-lived and their appearance is likened explicitly to Greek deities. See other tit...more
Published May 1st 2005 by Kessinger Publishing (first published 1923)
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This novel, set in 1921 and published in 1923 is in a subgenre you don’t see much now -- utopian science fiction. Yes, I did say ‘utopian.’ You may be more familiar with this subgenre’s ugly brother, dystopian science fiction. The latter has more shock value so it gets more attention, but I prefer the older, wiser sibling.
The essential difference between utopian and dystopian fiction that I see is their different perceptions of humanity. Although both begin with the premise that the human race h
Sep 28, 2008AngieNorman mailer novel

Men Like Gods Pdf Printable

rated it it was amazing
Shelves: sitting-around-somewhere, books-im-not-embarrassed-about, early-modern, sci-fi-ish, uk-ish
For some reason, this book is particularly difficult to locate. But it's definitely worth the effort. It's a marvelous treatment of the Utopian world. Now, I love Wells, and if you're on this page, I imagine you do also. Advice: Get the book! It will make you happier! All of your dreams will come true! Well, at least the first two will happen.
Jan 29, 2017Yasser rated it liked it · review of another edition
«إن اليوتوبيا لم تقض على نظام الأسرة، بل جعلت الأسرة هي العالم بأسره».
مجموعة من الأرضيين على كوكب جديد، كوكب يوتوبي وصل سكانه إلى ذروة التقدم.. لا توجد حروب، لا توجد أمراض. كل شيء في مكانه الصحيح.. التعليم مثالي، الصحة مثالية، النظام الاقتصادي (الاشتراكي) مثالي. الوضع الاجتماعي مثالي.
وبشكل تلقائي يضع الأرضيون مقارنات بين عالمهم الأرضي وعالم اليوتوبيا. ومن هنا يبدأ ويلز ما أراد أن يقوله حقًا.
في خلال أحداث الرواية يضع ويلز نصائحه التي يرى أن العالم سيكون أكثر مثالية لو طُبقت، نصائح للتعليم، والاقت
This 1923 H.G. Wells novel is as much a tract in defense of socialist ideals as it is a work of science fiction. This is not his only work in which socialism is posited as a path to utopia, but if Wells seems overly zealous, unabashed, and, from our perspective, naive, we should probably cut him some slack. Even ignoring Wells' humanistic motives, when this novel was written, the cautionary example of the Soviets was still inconclusive; the 'good guys' had won The War; and the ascendency of a Hi...more
It has been a while since I have read something this enlightening. The book should be required reading for everyone on this planet.
I can understand how someone can be put off my the socialist rhetoric of the book but one must delve deeper into the mans thought process. Socialist movement did not work because there are finite resources. Once the conundrum of abundant clean renewable energy is resolved, resources will not be a problem and hence competition for the sake of resource hording/gatheri
Sep 12, 2013Ahmed Salem rated it really liked it
قليلة هي الكتب التي تثير في نفسك التساؤلات
الرواية من حيث التفاصيل و الشخصيات بسيطة للغاية و ليس فيها شيء مميز
لكن كما أسلفت، ان روعتها هي في التساؤلات و التفكير الذي سوف يستغرقك في تخيل شكل مستقبل الانسانية
هل من حق الانسان القضاء على سلالات الذباب لمجرد انه ليس له اي فائدة تذكر (اللهم الا نقل الميكروبات و الأمراض) ؟ التطور العلمي يجب أن يكون مشتمل على فلسفة و أخلاقيات
ويلز سبق عصره في التلميح الى نظام اجتماعي جديد غير تحكم العملة و النقود. نظام يبشر بعدالة مطلقة من حيث توزيع الموارد بالتساوي على ا
Jun 14, 2018AbdEl-Rahman rated it really liked it · review of another edition
ويلز هو واحد من رواد أدب الخيال العلمي ومن أهم الكتاب اللي تخصصوا في نوع الأدب المستقبلي سواء كان في The War of the Worlds Time Machine The Sleeper Awakes ......
في هذا العمل يحكي ويلز عن أحد الأشخاص (المطحونين) الذين فقط يعلمون الطاعة العمياء لرئيسهم في العمل من أجل بعض المال فقط لا غير ،ثم بعد ذلك يدحل في عالم آخر بطريقة ما مع عشر أشخاص آخرون الي 'اليوتوبيا' أو المدينة الفاضلة والتي كانت متقدمه عن الأرض بعشرة الاف سنه ،ويحاول بعد ذلك الارضيون (كما سماهم ويلز) في احتلال ذلك العالم تحت شعار م
Jun 30, 2017Betawolf rated it really liked it

In a sense, _Men Like Gods_ can be viewed almost as a sequel to _In the Days of the Comet_. While the narrative isn't a continuation, Wells returns to the themes laid out in the earlier novel, using the device of modern men being flung across dimensions to a more advanced utopian world as a way to reveal and rebut various challenges to the vision of society he aims for. While he still failed to convince me, this time he certainly managed to hold my interest.
In this new presentation, Wells shuns
Jun 18, 2013بسام عبد العزيز rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
هذه ليست في شهرة أول رجال علي سطح القمر و حرب العوالم .. و لكن عند قرائتها تكتشف انها واحد من أفضل ما كتب ويلز إن لم يكن من أفضل الروايات في تاريخ الأدب ككل..
مجموعة من البشر بسبب حادثة ما نجدهم ينتقلون إلي عالم آخر.. عالم يوتوبي فيه البشر قد وصلوا لقمة التقدم.. حيث لا مرض ولا فقر و لا حرب.. ببساطة هي رؤية ويلز لما يجب أن يكون عليه العالم
الرواية لا تعتمد علي الإسلوب السردي و الحبكة الدرامية للروايات التقليدية.. و لكنها تعتمد أكثر علي المونولوج الدائر في عقل بطل الرواية الأرضي الذي ينبهر بهذا العا
May 01, 2016fathi esam rated it liked it · review of another edition
بشر كالارباب للكاتب الانجليزى ه.ج.ويلز. ..
إذا كنت من محبى الفلسفة ولكن تعتقد أنها معقدة أكثر من قدراتك كقارئ فأنا ارشح لك هذة الرواية كمجرد تعريف عن مبادئ يوتوبيا أفلاطون ولكن هل يكفي خيال ه. ج. ويلز صاحب الخيال الواسع وكاتب رواية آلة الزمن و حرب العوالم أن يجمع فى عمل واحد بين الخيال والفلسفة. ...
للمرة الثانية فى الأعمال الأدبية الفلسفية بعد رائعة سارماجو (الكهف ) نحن أمام تجربة مشابهة هنا ولكن بخيال أعلى. ..بارنستابل رجل انجليزى تقليدى يقرر أن يأخذ إجازة من حياته المملة التقليدية فيقرر أن يبتع
قليلة هي الكتب التي تثير في نفسك التساؤلات
الرواية من حيث التفاصيل و الشخصيات بسيطة للغاية و ليس فيها شيء مميز
لكن كما أسلفت، ان روعتها هي في التساؤلات و التفكير الذي سوف يستغرقك في تخيل شكل مستقبل الانسانية
هل من حق الانسان القضاء على سلالات الذباب لمجرد انه ليس له اي فائدة تذكر (اللهم الا نقل الميكروبات و الأمراض) ؟ التطور العلمي يجب أن يكون مشتمل على فلسفة و أخلاقيات
ويلز سبق عصره في التلميح الى نظام اجتماعي جديد غير تحكم العملة و النقود. نظام يبشر بعدالة مطلقة من حيث توزيع الموارد بالتساوي على ا
Mar 12, 2017Alfred Baudisch rated it it was amazing
I have read, watched and played (video games) dozens of Dystopian fictions. As far as I remember, this was my first Utopian fiction and I can say I am amazed and wishing more, for the world that I want to live is now Utopia.
PS: the Kindle version that I read is in a very archaic English, which made the reading and story even more delightful.
A glimpse of how Utopia was achieved:
'Every Utopian child is taught to the full measure of its possibilities and directed to the work that is indicated by it
Excellent ideas that are far ahead of the time of writing the book, but the style of writing is lacking. Now I understand what Henry James meant when he said that he would have liked to rewrite some of Wells's novels.
By proclaiming the ideas to be excellent, I do not mean that I agree with all of them. They are novel ideas, but I find some of them quite difficult to accept, and some others very repulsing (the author's attitude towards the natural environment was revolting, for example).
Це перша книга, яку я згадую, коли хтось просить порадити щось почитати. Дивно, що вона не так розпіарена та поширена серед читачів як '1984', хоча написана на високому рівні і є діаметральною протилежністю антиутопії створеної Орвелом. Ти віриш у реальність написаного та з головою поринаєш у цей світ. Дуже раджу!
Jan 22, 2018Nadezhda Vadko rated it it was amazing
For those who likes or want to read about Utopia, it is a very good choice. I like to read fiction but this book I was reading not because of fiction ideas. I would love to have it in school and be able to discuss it back that days. Can definitely recommend - this Utopia story.
Apr 28, 2019Mike rated it liked it · review of another edition
Visionary work!
This book, written in the 20s could have been written in and for the current political climate in most modern countries that make up western civilization. Beautifully written, however it does seem to fetishize socialism at times.
This was interesting but ended rather abruptly.
Not a bad book, per se, I just have a hard time with Wells. The story is brilliant, but his writing style makes it hard to stay involved in.
Jul 30, 2018Linda rated it liked it
The problem with utopian litterature is that even though Wells do his best to write a stories it turns out as a series of lectures on how awsome everything is.
Jul 08, 2017Konrad Urbański rated it liked it · review of another edition
Prawie sto lat temu Herbert Wells postanowił zabrać czytelników do „nowego wspaniałego świata” – do Utopii, czyli Ziemi A.D. 4921 (data raczej fantastyczna, można podstawić dowolną kombinację cyfr). Oto pan Barnstaple, prosty dziennikarz, podczas wakacyjnej podróży samochodem trafia, wraz z grupką kilku przypadkowych Ziemian, do alternatywnej rzeczywistości, w gruncie rzeczy niewiele oddalonej od naszego świata.
Nie ma komarów, pokrzyw, chorób, wojen, parlamentów, granic, wszyscy „obywatele” (bo
A fine novel presenting a mirrored view of humanity through the reflection of an ideal world. In this book Wells pits his earthly characters as infectious agents in an advanced civilisation that has itself progressed beyond what they refer to as 'The Age of Confusion', this age of confusion is a reference to earthly politics, social moors, sex, religion, education, industrialisation, and capitalism, to name a few of the more discussed references in the novel. In my opinion this world presented b...more
Aug 29, 2012Scott rated it liked it · review of another edition
Interesting book. Towards the end of his career, Wells write this book, in which he outlined his vision of Utopia. You follow an Englishman as he and 8 other Europeans are accidentally sucked into an alternate dimension in which the inhabitants are humans who are roughly 3,000 years ahead of our times. Wells uses the protagonist, Barnstaple, to project his dream of a future in which people have moved beyond what he considered the senseless preoccupations of our day: economic and military competi...more
Dec 28, 2014حاتم عاشور rated it it was ok · review of another edition
دائماً ما يحلم الناس بالكمال والحياة الطوباية الخالية من الشوائب .. بمقارنة على شكل رواية بين العالم البشري والعالم اليوتوبي ينتقل بها مجموعة من البشر عن طريق الصدفة إلى عالم موازي من اليوتوبيا.
يحاول الكاتب أن يطرح جمال اليوتوبيا بخلوها من الغرائز البشرية التي تخرجه عنه طوره والتي تجعله في صراع مستمر وركض نحو لقمة الحياة وحاجاته.
في ذلك العالم الذي يبدو متقدماً جداً لخلوه من الأمراض والاتجاه نحو تحسين النسل وعيش الأفضل .. يبدو ضعيفاً جداً نحو المقاومة والسعي نحو العيش والحياة.
في لمسة وإشارة إلى
I was iffy about this at the beginning but I ended up really appreciating the story of a man thrust into a Utopian future. Ultimately, I think it was about the despair Wells felt at the end of WWI when whatever hopes he had for the future were disappointed. And yet, it is filled with his optimism and determination that education and science could create a perfect society. Goofy and profound, in its way.
I'm always a sucker for a utopian book, and I felt this one was a pretty good one but didn't really stand out from the crowd.
On the plus point the writing was very often humourus, the main character (Mr. Barnstaple) was incredibly likeable and the utopia was illustrated with such colour and detail, I felt too much focus on the politics of the 1920's (time it was wrote) kept me tuning out of a other wise wonderful storyline.
As early SF, it may be Wells's best contribution. Like many Utopias, though, it rather turns on whether you accept the socialist proposal that social ills can be cured by the judicious application of the findings of psychiatry, that a refusal to conform is a pathology to be cured. At one point, one of the Utopians explains that the mind doctor takes the place of the policeman. 'I should prefer the policeman,' responds one of the characters.
And so should I.
Jun 16, 2015Rob Hemsley rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Great book, unravelling the joys of a successfully socialist world. Combining an engaging plot with thought provoking questions about a Marxist utopia. Interesting to read after reading Brave New World. Indeed, Huxley's response is the more realist perspective on Wells' vision of utopian happiness. First H. G. Wells book read, and will sure read many more.
Jul 29, 2014Roman Alifanov rated it it was amazing
Men Like Gods is a great piece of literature, it reflects the brutal reality of human nature, and leaves hope for a brighter future of mankind, the story is told through an exciting science-fiction tale that will leave you astonished.
I really enjoyed the book and could relate myself to the protagonist, much recommended!
A very utopic Utopia. This book is not particularly fast paced or action packed, but the descriptions of the state of society in Utopia and their contrast to the way things are on Earth were intriguing. Funny how over 80 years from the time the book was written, Earth is no closer to Utopia than it was in 1923...
Sep 07, 2013Sherri rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Shelves: adult-fiction, fantasy, scifi, utopia, nau
Wells was a true visionary. 'The transmission is wireless' ! 1922? Yes, Mr. Wells, the transmission IS wireless! This novel resonates in so many ways today. Though Wells' idea of Utopia continues to be light-years away....perhaps happening elsewhere in another dimension of the Universe?
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In 1866, (Herbert George) H. G. Wells was born to a working class family in Kent, England. Young Wells received a spotty education, interrupted by several illnesses and family difficulties, and became a draper's apprentice as a teenager. The headmaster of Midhurst Grammar School, where he had spent a year, arranged for him to return as an 'usher,' or student teacher. Wells earned a government scho...more
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“As night goes round the Earth always there are hundreds of thousands of people who should be sleeping, lying awake, fearing a bully, fearing a cruel competition, dreading lest they cannot make good, ill of some illness they cannot comprehend, distressed by some irrational quarrel, maddened by some thwarted instinct or some suppressed perverted desire.” — 4 likes
“Utopia still made use of printed books ; books were still the simplest, clearest way of bringing statement before a tranquil mind.” — 0 likes
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✏Book Title : Men Like Gods
✏Author : H. G. Wells
✏Publisher : Faber & Faber
✏Release Date : 2011-12-15
✏Pages : 128
✏ISBN : 9780571287109
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French

✏Men Like Gods Book Summary : The main protagonist of Men Like Gods is Mr Barnstaple, a careful driver and depressive journalist writing for The Liberal newspaper. It is to his consternation, therefore, that while carefully motoring along the Maidenhead road he skids on a bend and finds himself in another world altogether - in short, a supposed Utopia. This Utopia has its own socialist government and is very similar to the Earth. However, as pathogens have been eliminated the newly arrived visitors from Earth pose a grave threat to the Utopians by compromising their already weak immune systems. The people from earth find themselves being quarantined until a solution to this problem can be found. As no progress is being made many begin to resent this isolation and before long some plot to take over Utopia. Mr Barnstaple finds himself a total outsider, both with the Utopians and his fellow earthlings, and escapes from the quarantine castle just as the Earthlings' revolt begins. How can he survive in this Utopia and how can he get back to his Earth? Men Like Gods was first published in 1923.

✏Book Title : Men Like Gods
✏Author : Herbert George Wells
✏Publisher : Macmillan Company of Canada
✏Release Date : 1923
✏Pages : 327
✏ISBN : STANFORD:36105006489038
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French

✏Men Like Gods Book Summary : The hero of the novel, Mr. Barnstaple, is a depressive journalist working for the newspaper 'The Liberal.' At the beginning of the story, Barnstaple, as well as a few other Englishmen, are accidentally transported to the parallel world of Utopia. Utopia is like an advanced Earth, although it had been quite similar to Earth in the past in a period known to Utopians as the 'Days of Confusion.' Utopia is a utopian world: it has a utopian world government, advanced science, and even pathogens have been eliminated and predators are almost tamed. --wikipedia.com.

✏Book Title : Men Like Gods
✏Author :
✏Publisher :
✏Release Date :
✏Pages :
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French

✏Men Like Gods Book Summary :

✏Book Title : To Become Like Gods
✏Author : Jonathan Frame
✏Publisher : Jonathan Frame
✏Release Date : 2012-01-01
✏Pages : 336
✏ISBN : 9781908895790
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French

✏To Become Like Gods Book Summary : The Mediterranean, 13th Century BC. A ship travels from Athens to Knossos, carrying Prince Theseus and a group of soldiers who are destined to enter the Labyrinth to fight the brutal, ruthless Minotaur in a tournament to the death. They encounter a young man adrift in the sea and haul him aboard. He claims he is Icarus, son of Daedalus, who has fled Knossos, using a flying machine developed by him and his father. Icarus warns them of a terrifying plot by Knossos to poison Athens's water supply to annihilate the city's population so Knossos can invade with little or no resistance. Sceptical about the man's identity and his story, the soldiers must ultimately decide if they believe him and if so, how they can defeat the Minotaur and prevent the attack on their home city. The ancient Greek myths of Daedalus & Icarus and the Labyrinth have been told for many centuries but this pulsating adventure novel, overflowing with incident, unearths the incredible story behind those myths. Covering themes of military ambition, genocide and intrigue that are still relevant today, it is a powerful work of contemporary fiction that happens to be set in the past.

✏Book Title : Think Like God
✏Author : Robert Jones
✏Publisher : First Edition Design Pub.
✏Release Date : 2013-07-10
✏Pages : 75
✏ISBN : 9781622873623
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French

✏Think Like God Book Summary : Do you feel as though you're sinking and drowning in life? Have the storms of life been holding you back? If so, then this book is a must-read for you. I have fought and won many battles against the darkness of anger, fear, trust, and doubt; and so can you. I am not a pastor or a theologian. In fact, I have a secular job, just like most of you, which is another reason why you need to read this book: It was written by someone very much like you. It's Time for You to Discover: How to cooperate with the new thing God is doing in you How to avoid the 8 sins that leave no room for God How to find God's wisdom as your ultimate GPS How to break the power of a negative thought How to change your perspective and your life Author Bio: When you need a friend, Robert Jones is available. He is a good listener and does not judge. He will console you and empathize with you but he won't enable you. He will remind you that Jesus loves you and will walk beside you, and if you turn your life over to Jesus great things will happen. Through this book he will be that friend to you, too. Robert turned his life over to Jesus when he was twenty two years of age and has been cultivating that relationship ever since. He has been blessed in his personal and professional life. Robert makes his living as a commercial real estate appraiser and has three beautiful daughters and a handsome grandson. Robert is a man of integrity and strongly believes that the seed principal is not biased in that, what a person sows he will surely reap. Robert's father was a man who has never met a stranger, and has passed that trait along to him. So, if you ever have the opportunity to meet Robert, please don't hesitate because he would be honored with your presence and would love to meet you. keywords: Conquer, Conquer Storms, Life Challenges, Overcome Challenges, Men, Deliverance, Robert Jones, Think Like God

📒 The Sleeper Awakes And Men Like Gods✍ H. G. Wells

✏Book Title : The Sleeper Awakes and Men Like Gods
✏Author : H. G. Wells
✏Publisher :
✏Release Date : 1921
✏Pages : 376
✏ISBN : OCLC:1072582682
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French

✏ The Sleeper Awakes and Men Like Gods Book Summary :

✏Book Title : Think Like God
✏Author : Warren Hunter
✏Publisher : Destiny Image Publishers
✏Release Date : 2011-07-28
✏Pages : 242
✏ISBN : 9780768492217
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French

✏Think Like God Book Summary : When you discover how to think like God, you will deal with issures like God does and you will have victory over the things you may have been struggling with your entire life, including: Rejection. Negativity. Sickness. Fear. Impure Thoughts. Many Christians seek God's wisdom, but have not been successful in receiving life-fullfilling answers. Author Warren Hunter teaches you how to operate with the mindset of Jesus when He was on the earth.Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men (Philippians 2:5-7 NKJV).Think Like God reveals God's plan for your thought life based on His Word. It is time to Think Like God, overcome your past, and set forth your fantastic future--today!

📒The City Of God Books Viii Xvi The Fathers Of The Church Volume 14 ✍ Saint Augustine

Men like gods pdf file
✏Book Title : The City of God Books VIII XVI The Fathers of the Church Volume 14
✏Author : Saint Augustine
✏Publisher : CUA Press
✏Release Date : 2008-09-01
✏Pages : 575
✏ISBN : 0813215587
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French

✏The City of God Books VIII XVI The Fathers of the Church Volume 14 Book Summary : No description available

✏Book Title : Spirit Saints and Immortality
✏Author : Patrick Sherry
✏Publisher : SUNY Press
✏Release Date : 1984-01-01
✏Pages : 102
✏ISBN : 0873957555
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French

✏Spirit Saints and Immortality Book Summary : This book is a philosophical and theological study of the claim that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which produces sanctity, is an anticipation of a future state. Focusing on Christianity, Patrick Sherry investigates the grounds of this belief, examining the interconnections between the ideas of the spirit of God, saintliness, and immortality. Throughout, Sherry argues 'that the existence of saintly people is of much more importance than is usually realized, for it is a rare and precious occurrence which requires evaluation and explanation.' The existence of saints raises questions about the attainment of likeliness to God, about grace, and redemption. Sherry's study gives essential and illuminating answers.

📒H G Wells At The End Of His Tether✍ Gordon D. Feir

✏Book Title : H G Wells at the End of His Tether
✏Author : Gordon D. Feir
✏Publisher : iUniverse
✏Release Date : 2005
✏Pages : 248
✏ISBN : 9780595350193
✏Available Language : English, Spanish, And French

✏H G Wells at the End of His Tether Book Summary : H.G. Wells was one of the most prolific writers in the English language. He published over one hundred books, yet he is recognized by only two or three of his popular novels including The Time Machine and War of the Worlds. Why has such a well known and widely read author from the nineteenth century almost disappeared from the bookshelves of the twenty-first century? H.G. Wells at the End of His Tether attempts to answer this question and others by examining his work from a nineteenth century perspective.Wells was a controversial figure. He was an avid socialist and a self-proclaimed prophet. He hated the Church and the Monarchy and spent much of his life promoting utopian ideals, world government and other radical concepts that are politically incorrect today. As he watched the First World War tear Europe asunder he wrote The War to End War and created a new label for that infamous conflict. He was a highly vocal anti-war journalist and often frustrated by how little impact he was making on the world. When the Second World War descended on Europe he became despondent as he approached the end of his political and literary tether.